33 research outputs found

    Learning Linear Temporal Properties

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    We present two novel algorithms for learning formulas in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) from examples. The first learning algorithm reduces the learning task to a series of satisfiability problems in propositional Boolean logic and produces a smallest LTL formula (in terms of the number of subformulas) that is consistent with the given data. Our second learning algorithm, on the other hand, combines the SAT-based learning algorithm with classical algorithms for learning decision trees. The result is a learning algorithm that scales to real-world scenarios with hundreds of examples, but can no longer guarantee to produce minimal consistent LTL formulas. We compare both learning algorithms and demonstrate their performance on a wide range of synthetic benchmarks. Additionally, we illustrate their usefulness on the task of understanding executions of a leader election protocol

    Tri kuće, tri izvora

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    U članku se promatra sljedeći problem. Nacrtane su tri kuće i tri bunara. Spojite svaku od kuća sa svim trima bunarima tako da se linije ne sijeku

    Samoopisujući niz

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    Uživaj u matematici, glumi matematiku

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    Prikaz predstave Matematika

    Tri kuće, tri izvora

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    U članku se promatra sljedeći problem. Nacrtane su tri kuće i tri bunara. Spojite svaku od kuća sa svim trima bunarima tako da se linije ne sijeku

    Kretanje zaraznih bolesti protiv kojih se provodi obvezno cijepljenje na području grada Osijeka (Development of communicable diseases liable to vaccination in the territory of the city of Osijek)

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    Program obvezatnog cijepljenja doprinio je da su sve teÅ”ke dječje bolesti na području grada Osijeka koje su prije uvođenja cijepljenja bile uvelike rasprostranjene, a i smrtonosne, sada stavljene pod nadzor, a neke se već godinama ne pojavljuju. Stopa pobola od tuberkuloze se u posljednjih 20 godina viÅ”e nego prepolovila. Tetanus se u nekoliko zadnjih godina javlja sporadično godiÅ”nje s jednom ili nijednom oboljelom osobom, a difterije nema već 40 godina. Hripavac se u većem broju oboljelih javljao sve do početka 90-tih godina, a nakon toga se godiÅ”nje pojavljuje u svega nekoliko slučajeva. Nakon 1967.godine viÅ”e nema oboljelih od poliomijelitisa. Broj oboljelih od morbila pada od sredine 80-tih godina na svega nekoliko godiÅ”nje, od rubeole isto tako i to od sredine 90-tih godina, dok oboljelih od parotitisa unazad 10 godina ima samo ispod 10 oboljelih godiÅ”nje

    Biomass Yield and Fuel Properties of Different Poplar SRC Clones

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    The goal of the research was to determine the biomass yield and fuel properties of ten different poplar clones. The research was conducted in an experimental plot established in Forest Administration Osijek, Forest Office Darda, in the spring of 2014. The layout of the plot consisted of three repetitions per clone with 40 plants per repetition in spacing 3x1 m. Based on the DBH distribution, in the early spring of 2018, one sample tree of an average DBH per repetition was selected, thus forming a sample of 30 trees. Average survival rate of the investigated trees after four vegetation periods was 74.54 Ā±13.85% ranging from 52.08% (Koreana) to 91.67% (SV885 and SV490). Average DBH of the sample trees was 8.2 Ā±1.9 cm, height 9.3 Ā±1.8 m and root collar diameter 10.7 Ā±1.9 cm. Moisture content in fresh state (just after the felling) ranged from 51.6% (Hybride 275) to 55.9% (SV885). Bark content averaged 18.4%, from 15.4% (Baldo) to 21.1% (V 609). Average nominal density of the sampled trees amounted to 383.5 Ā±35.9 kg/m3. Bark ash content was on average ten times higher (6.44 Ā±0.65%) than wood ash content (0.64 Ā±0.07%) resulting in average ash content of 1.7 Ā±0.1% (taking the bark content into account). The clone SV490 showed the highest biomass yield with 15.8 t/ha/year, while the lowest biomass yield was recorded for the clone Hybride 275 with 2.8 t/ha/year. High inter-clonal productivity variation stresses the importance of selection work to find the most appropriate clones with the highest productivity potential for the given area where the poplar SRC plantations are to be established. Due to high initial moisture content, if direct chipping harvesting systems are preferred, wood chips could be efficiently used in CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plants that operate on the principle of biomass gasification (where a gasifier is coupled to a gas engine to produce electric power and heat). In several CHP gasification plants operating in Croatia, wood chips with high initial moisture content (from traditional poplar plantations) are used as a feedstock that has to be pre-dried using the surplus heat. In this respect SRC poplar wood chips could make an ideal feedstock supplement